之前减少过Wasabi 作为 S3 兼容的对象存储服务,由于最近遇到了一些 Wasabi 使用上的问题,也开始在部分常见使用另一家价格相对不错的对象存储 iDrive.
官网: https://www.idrive.com/e2/
Pay annually starting at 4.00 First year, 1 TB
iDrive 提供简单粗暴的各种价格方案,且首年还有超大折扣。流量上跟 Wasabi 一样免费,且跟 Wasabi 一样有个流量限制上的坑,Wasabi 是流量不超过存储,而 iDrive 是流量不超过 存储的3倍。如存储了 1TB,那么流量最多只能是 3TB。距离的流量说明可以参考官方文档: https://www.idrive.com/e2/faq-account-management#egress-policy
How does the free egress policy in IDrive® e2 work?
The free egress policy in IDrive® e2 is designed to ensure that users can store, download, and access data at a reasonable rate without burdening our service. Here are the guidelines used to determine a good fit use case for e2’s egress policy.
Good fit - If the monthly egress (download) is less than or equal to thrice the storage volume.
Example: If you store 100 TB with IDrive® e2 and download 300 TB or less within a monthly billing cycle, then your storage use case is a good fit for our policy.
- If your use case exceeds the guidelines of our free egress policy, we reserve the right to charge $0.01/GB/Month. In the case of free accounts, your account will be suspended.
- Up to 10 Gbps connection speed available for egress.
除开价格之外,iDrive 也没有 wasabi 一个文件最小存储 90 天的限制。
同时,如果按量付费,iDrive 也没有 wasabi 的最小存储限制。
综合以上对比,iDrive 是个比 wasabi 更加合适的 S3 兼容对象存储服务。